Cheaper car insurance is something that all car owners want. Thankfully there are a multitude of things that drivers can do to reduce their monthly insurance payments, whether it is your first car insurance policy, or if you require specialist cover.
Switch to comprehensive storage cover. Should you need to store your vehicle for a time, consider switching that vehicle to comprehensive-only. As your car will not be on the road, you will be less likely to have a road accident, and so comprehensive cover could be all that you need. Your insurance rate will drop as a result, just be sure to change your insurance back to its normal policy when taking the vehicle out on the roads again.
Choose direct debit. By paying your car insurance bill each month via direct debit, you could be making savings over those who choose to pay their bill manually. And some insurers will offer small discounts to those who choose paper-less billing too. Paying via direct debit also means you never forget to miss a payment, so that your insurance is always up to date.
Combine your policies. Typically insurers who offer more than one type of insurance policy will offer a discount to customers who choose to take out more than one policy option with them. So if your insurer offers home as well as car insurance, then getting both policies from them could cost you less than two separate policies.
Group vehicle discount policies. These are particularly useful if you are a member of a particular government body, trade union, or even the owner of a credit card. Certain groups and organisations are offered reduced rates by affiliated insurers, and members of these groups can benefit from car insurance savings. You should ask your current insurer for a list of their affiliated organisations and check whether you are a member of any of them.
By switching to a multiple vehicle insurance policy, car owners who own more than one automobile could cut their monthly insurance outgoings considerably. Insuring each of your vehicles individually can be costly and time consuming. Not only could grouping your vehicles together into one policy save you money, but it will also save you the hassle of having to renew several individual policies.
Those who own a sports car, vintage car, or SUV will know that the type of car that you drive affects the price of the car insurance premium you pay. If you are thinking of getting a new car, opting for a car with a smaller engine will mean that your premiums will be cheaper.
Many people choose to automatically renew their policy with their existing insurer as it is the simplest way to renew their cover. However, those who shop around before their existing cover comes to an end will find that there is much to be gained in doing so. Comparing prices and products on the web is quick and easy and could save you a bundle when it comes to policy renewal.
Author: Alex McKoy
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